
Nicole Tetreault, PhD

PhD '13 | Biology “It is a dream to create Beyond the Cell, healing scars of prison and building new paths.” PROJECT   Beyond the Cell Nicole Tetreault is a neuroscientist, researcher, author, meditation teacher, and national speaker. While Tetreault has...

Angelica Zhou

BS ’20 | Planetary Science “The Chang Prize gives me the opportunity to explore in-depth the social ramifications of a problem that extends far beyond science. My goal is to bring equity to the forefront of the climate change debate” For Angelica, the Chang Prize...

Pauline Ku

BS ’12 | Biology “The Chang Prize will help me focus my energy on decreasing stigma and offer legitimacy to my efforts in mental health advocacy”Pauline says she will use her expertise as a writer to improve the welfare of those with mental illness in the country and...

Jennah Colborn

BS ’22 | Physics, Mathematics and Astronomy In an exploration of careers in sustainable fashion, Colborn will apply their physics and environmental science background to dive into the world of fashion to understand the field, sources of waste, environmental racism,...

Sean McKenna

BS ’17 | Economics and Applied and Computational Mathematics “The Chang Prize fast-tracked me to becoming a subject...

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Julius “Jules” Madey

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Kitchen Aid

Kitchen Aid

In a sector eager to cut costs, Ryan Sinnet, PhD (BS ’07) has developed a solution. As cofounder and chief research officer at Miso Robotics in Pasadena, Sinnet sees the untapped potential of a human-robot workforce

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