From the Chair of the Board of the Caltech Alumni Association
by Satoshi Ohtake

When the world is changing fast and inflection points seem to come with less and less lag time between, it’s important to remember who we are and where we come from.
Where? We come from a unique and special place where we prepared to meet the challenges and opportunities of an evolving world. Our experiences at Caltech have placed us at the forefront of humanity’s most important work — in science, medicine, research, technology, engineering, and education — vital work which continues to lead us all into the future.
Who? We are members of a powerful and committed community. A family.
We all recall that Caltech can be an intense environment. We worked hard to get accepted, and we worked even harder to graduate. As a result, our degrees carry significant value, and we give fellow Techers the utmost respect. In the world, the diligence and creativity that became our signature as Techers are tested even further. Caltech prepared us for productive careers, but how are we navigating those careers? How well are we balancing our work with quality time with our friends, family and new relationships?
The Caltech Alumni Association (CAA) asks us to remember that we aren’t alone in the important work we do. Look back to where we come from and we will find connection and commonality with fellow Techers, people who have a lot to offer each other, and who will benefit from mutual support.
Always focused on the human concerns of the Techer community, Caltech Alumni is growing toward a bright future:
There are 25,026 alumni, including the newest 456 who earned degrees in 2021. Welcome!
Surveys of alumni indicate that Techers as a group are evolving. The Techers of 2021 are not the same as the Techers of 1961. For example, more alumni are pursuing careers in industry, along with the traditional paths of academics and research.
Techers are increasingly global citizens, with 20% of us residing and working outside the U.S., creating positive change for communities all over the world.
Techers express a desire and an inclination to be of service to each other, the world and Caltech. CAA is focused on creating opportunities to make new connections. We offered many of our programs digitally over the past two years and the result has been increased attendance and engagement. Recognizing the importance of personal connection, we will continue to assess the appropriate balance for future events to be held in-person and offered digitally, so that our community can be as global as its membership.
Recent graduates and established professionals are looking for opportunities to help each other and students. The CAA is seeking and creating new and better ways — like the Alumni Portal — for Techers to engage, to enhance their professional and personal lives.
Change in the world continues to come quickly and Caltech graduates are at the forefront, meeting new challenges and finding new solutions. The CAA is committed to keeping us connected so that, at every age and everywhere around the globe, we will continue to learn, to teach, and to support each other.
Stay connected and stay strong. I hope to see you soon,

Satoshi Ohtake, PhD (BS ’00)
Board Chair, Caltech Alumni Association