Wireless Access on Campus

There are three campus-wide wireless networks: BeaverNet, Registered, and Caltech Guest. Alumni visiting campus should connect to the Caltech Guest network. No password is required.

Connecting to the Caltech Guest Network

  • Access to the Caltech Guest wireless network is provided at the discretion of the California Institute of Technology and may be revoked at any time without prior notice.
  • The Caltech Guest wireless network is not a secure network. Other users can potentially intercept information you send and receive. Use of encryption is strongly recommended for any sensitive or private information, including passwords.
  • Use of the Caltech Guest wireless network is restricted to web (http and https) , Secure Shell (SSH), and Virtual Private Network (VPN) only. Other uses are not allowed.
  • Users of the Caltech Guest wireless network are rate-limited and are prevented from communicating directly with each other. All traffic is subject to Network Address Translation.
  • Users network traffic will be monitored as part of Caltech’s normal network management processes.
  • Users are subject to theĀ Caltech Institute Policy on Acceptable Use of Electronic Information Resources.