Adaptive electric vehicle chargers and advanced battery designs are some of the ways Caltech researchers are building a more sustainable electric grid.

Adaptive electric vehicle chargers and advanced battery designs are some of the ways Caltech researchers are building a more sustainable electric grid.
The 15-member volunteer board currently comprises graduates from 1974 to 2014.
Alumni: Be on the lookout for an interview invitation via email and postcard soon!
Toy companies Roominate and Crossbeams, both founded by Caltech alumni, challenge traditional ideas of what a toy is, whom it's made for, and how it can inspire. Sydney Fish, age 9, takes a break from the morning session at her summer camp to build a toy house. Using...
In July of this year, top-ranked high school mathematics students from more than 100 countries gathered in Chiang Mai, Thailand, to compete in the annual International Mathematics Olympiad. The team from the United States won, under the guidance of head coach and...
Elaine Hsiao (PhD ’13) has been honored as an Emerging Explorer by the National Geographic Society. Each of this year's 14 awardees, described by the society as "uniquely gifted and inspiring scientists, conservationists and innovators who are at the forefront of...
While a student at Caltech, Dean Oliver (BS ’90) formed a system to track NBA statistics — and went on to revolutionize modern basketball analytics (read below). In this webinar Dean discusses his career path and the use of analytics in basketball.A Passion for Stats...
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Three Caltech alumni and one professor have been elected to the prestigious National Academy of Sciences (NAS). The announcement was made Tuesday, April 28, in Washington D.C. The alumni are: Featured Eric Betzig (BS '83) Nobel laureate and group leader in...
The American Academy of Arts and Sciences has elected six Caltech alumni as academy fellows: Featured Mory Gharib (PhD '83) Hans W. Liepmann Professor of Aeronautics and Bioinspired Engineering, director of the Ronald and Maxine Linde Institute of Economic...
Dean Oliver (BS ’90) Director of Player Personnel and Analytics, Sacramento Kingsfrom E&S+ Unusual for Caltech, what started for me was a career in sports, one that now has me in the front office of the Sacramento Kings. In the last years of high school, the...
The last time that Mel Levet squared off against Occidental College in a baseball game, Franklin Roosevelt was in his second term as the nation's president and Gone with the Wind had just won the Oscar for best picture. Now 97, Levet returned to campus last Friday to...