
The Gift of Social Connection

Nicole Tetreault (PhD ’13) “Never underestimate the empowering effect of human connection. All you need is that one person, who understands you completely, believes in you and makes you feel loved for what you are, to enable you - to unfold the miraculous YOU.”...

Student Support Text Line

Preethi Periyakoil (BS ’18) Over the past few months, I have experienced firsthand the kind of stress and isolation that the pandemic has created for students across the globe. While online learning creates the illusion of having more free time on our hands, having to...

Jay Melosh

Graduation Year:[ba_dual_button btn_alignment="center" btn_a_text="Go Back" btn_a_link="" btn_b_text="Home" btn_b_link="" button_gap="10px" _builder_version="4.25.2" _dynamic_attributes="btn_a_link,btn_b_link" _module_preset="default" custom_btn_a="on"...
Student Support Text Line

Student Support Text Line

It seems fitting that this Chang Prize update fall in the month of September, which is widely recognized as Suicide Prevention Month.

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Caltech Names Six Distinguished Alumni

Caltech Names Six Distinguished Alumni

Caltech has announced that Eric Betzig (BS '83), Janet C. Campagna (MS '85), Neil Gehrels (PhD '82), Carl V. Larson (BS '52), Thomas J. "Tim" Litle IV (BS '62), and Ellen D. Williams (PhD '82) are this year's recipients of the Distinguished Alumni Award. First...

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