
Francis E. Fairman

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Student Support Text Line

Preethi Periyakoil (BS ’18) This pandemic has changed our lives and will likely leave scars. Our current inability to do the many small things that we used to take for granted, such as seeing our loved ones, going to class, or taking our friends out to dinner, is not...

Dropping Pumpkins

by Wyna Liu Created by Wyna Liu Puzzlemaker Wyna Liu drew inspiration for this issue’s The Stack from Caltech’s annual Pumpkin Drop. Since 1972, Caltech students have celebrated Halloween with delightful destruction—smashing liquid-nitrogen-frozen pumpkins from the...

Imagining a Future Incarceration Free

It begins with systemic change where all people in America have equal opportunity. It begins by breaking the cycle of poverty. By breaking the cycle of violence. The cycle of sex trafficking. It begins by stopping systemic racism and the oppression of black and brown...
Place of Honor

Place of Honor

Grant Delbert Venerable, Jr., BS (BS ’32), was the first Black undergraduate student to graduate from the California Institute of Technology

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