
A Message from the Caltech Alumni Association

Dear Caltech Alumni— I am writing to all Caltech graduates to share news about a recent decision made by the Institute’s Board of Trustees and leadership. It is essential that I write, as I, too, am a graduate of the school and, in my role as Chair of the Caltech...
A Community that Cares

A Community that Cares

Mojolaoluwa “Josh” Sonola had a choice to make: Georgia Tech or Caltech? As the curtains were closing on his high school days, Mojolaoluwa "Josh" Sonola had a choice to make. Stay near home and go to Georgia Tech, or strike out for the West Coast and study at Caltech?...

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The Caltech Effect: First in Her Family

The Caltech Effect: First in Her Family

A fascination with science led Bianca Lepe (BS ’16) to Caltech. When she found out she got into Caltech and received a full scholarship, Bianca Lepe (BS '16) screamed—and her mom cried. Watch this video from  The Caltech Effect, the e-magazine of the Break Through...

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Commencement 2017

Caltech's 123rd annual commencement On Friday, June 16, David Lee (PhD '74), chair of the Caltech Board of Trustees, opened the Institute's 123rd annual commencement ceremony with a reminder that discovery is a never-ending process. "Accomplishment and discovery never...

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David Tirrell Named Caltech Provost

David Tirrell Named Caltech Provost

David Tirrell, the Ross McCollum-William H. Corcoran Professor of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering and the director of the Beckman Institute, will become Caltech’s tenth provost, President Thomas F. Rosenbaum announced today.

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Why I Ate a Bug

Why I Ate a Bug

Neuroscientist Sam Wang (BS ’86) became famous for his hobby—-analyzing elections. Like many others, he predicted Hillary Clinton would win. Wang was so confident in the data, he then made a promise he would have to fulfill…

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