
Student Support Text Line

Preethi Periyakoil (BS ’18) It seems fitting that this Chang Prize update fall in the month of September, which is widely recognized as Suicide Prevention Month. Over the past three years, as I have had the invaluable opportunity to serve as a crisis counselor both at...

Janet G. Jones

Graduation Year:[ba_dual_button btn_alignment="center" btn_a_text="Go Back" btn_a_link="" btn_b_text="Home" btn_b_link="" button_gap="10px" _builder_version="4.25.2" _dynamic_attributes="btn_a_link,btn_b_link" _module_preset="default" custom_btn_a="on"...

John H. Walter

Graduation Year:[ba_dual_button btn_alignment="center" btn_a_text="Go Back" btn_a_link="" btn_b_text="Home" btn_b_link="" button_gap="10px" _builder_version="4.25.2" _dynamic_attributes="btn_a_link,btn_b_link" _module_preset="default" custom_btn_a="on"...

Terry O. Teigen

Terry passed away peacefully at the age of 84 on September 12, 2021 at home in Orange, CA surrounded by his loving family.  Terry was born in Edmore, North Dakota on February 20, 1937.  He moved to Orange with his family when he was 14 and attended Orange High School,...
Ripple Effect

Ripple Effect

How a revolutionary solar-powered water pump is transforming the lives of small-plot farmers in India How a revolutionary solar-powered water pump is transforming the lives of small-plot farmers in India

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