
Frederic Caldwell, BS

BS '96Partner Engagement, Netflix Frederic is a multidisciplinary professional with 25 years of experience leading engineering, product and strategy teams at semiconductor companies (Synaptics, Audience) and specializing in human interface technologies. He broadened...

Kevin Noertker, BS

BS '09Cofounder & CEO, Ampaire Inc. Kevin Noertker, BS is the cofounder and CEO of Ampaire, an aerospace startup based in Los Angeles that develops electric airplanes. Ampaire is nearly two years old and enables Kevin to combine his technical and management skills...

Tara Gomez-Hampton, PhD

PhD '11Associate Director of Medical Affairs, Biosense Webster Tara Gomez-Hampton, PhD works as a Medical Affairs Manager at Biosense Webster, a Johnson and Johnson Company, where she assesses safety for new product development. Tara graduated with a BS in Molecular...

Dan Liebling, MS

BS '02Staff Engineering Manager at Google Research Dan Liebling, MS leads the speech intelligence applied research team at Google Research. He brings a human-computer interaction lens to speech and translation. Prior to working at Google, he worked on information...
Krystal Vasquez

Krystal Vasquez

Krystal Vasquez created this piece in the hope that one day all these barriers are finally torn down and the disabled scientists that come after her can feel proud of their identities

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Caltech Analemmatic Sundial

Caltech Analemmatic Sundial

In 2007, supported by the Caltech Alumni Association, Bob Kieckhefer, BS (BS ’74) and Ponzy Lu, PhD (BS ’64) collaborated to give the current students a landmark that would maintain its place on the Caltech campus forever in stone.

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Bringing Germany Home

Bringing Germany Home

Tyson Mao (BS ’06), co-owner of Wursthall, a German restaurant and bierhaus in San Mateo, California, serves up a recipe—courtesy of Wursthall’s chef Kenji López-Alt—for a modern take on a traditional comfort food.

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Delicious. Now, What to Drink?

Delicious. Now, What to Drink?

Diego Benitez (PhD ’05), founder of Progress Brewing in South El Monte, California, knows a good meal is never complete without a complementary beverage. “I try to figure out the intricate and complicated relationship of physiological and psychological factors that determine taste preferences in people,” says Benitez, who has 10 years of professional pairing experience. Here are his thoughts on the perfect pairings for this German meal.

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