
Samuel E. Moskowitz

Prof. Moskowitz grew up in the Bronx and studied at the High School of Music and Art (having inherited his father’s love of opera and talent for creating fine art). Truly multi-gifted, he also loved science and math and chose to pursue instead his BS in Civil...

Frank Borman

Caltech Alumnus and Apollo Astronaut Frank Borman, MS (MS '57) (1928–2023) Borman commanded Apollo 8, the first spacecraft to orbit the Moon Frank Borman, MS (MS '57) a NASA astronaut who commanded Apollo 8, the first crewed mission to orbit the Moon and return safely...

Arthur Spaulding

Graduation Year:[ba_dual_button btn_alignment="center" btn_a_text="Go Back" btn_a_link="" btn_b_text="Home" btn_b_link="" button_gap="10px" _builder_version="4.25.2" _dynamic_attributes="btn_a_link,btn_b_link" _module_preset="default" custom_btn_a="on"...

Fred Donald Russell

Don received a Bachelor of Science (1957) and a Master of Science (1958) in Electrical Engineering from Caltech, where he was a member of Dabney House. In 1970, he received a PhD in electrical engineering from Stanford University. Don started out his career by...
Alyx Herrmann

Alyx Herrmann

BS '84 Alice Kamakaokalani Herrmann (sometimes known as Anne, Alix and Alyx), died December 4, 2023, aged 61, in...

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